WORST BULLIES EVER | Dolan True Stories

2017-04-29 1

From cafeteria fist fights to getting shoved in lockers, the Planet Dolan crew re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the worst thing a bully has ever done to you at school.

Who’s the dumbest boss you’ve ever had, and what did they do? Let us know on our reddit page and you may be featured in a future countdown.

Come work for PLANET DOLAN! You can find job listings here: http://www.planetdolan.com/planet-dolan-jobs-opportunities/

Legal notes
Art & Illustrations by PrincessProton https://twitter.com/princessproton
Video Narrated by Dolan https://twitter.com/TheDDGuides
Stories curated/edited by Ramona
Video Edited by Tony https://www.youtube.com/user/tonysantosworld

From https://www.reddit.com/r/PlanetDolan/comments/4zuc3j/whats_the_worst_thing_a_bully_ever_did_to_you/

10 – Awesome_mf_Person
CHARACTER: DD Mysterious Brother https://twitter.com/BrotherDolan
9 – Aries-he-war-god
CHARACTER: Tolop https://twitter.com/tolop07
8 – Malkavian_American
CHARACTER: Slapped Ham https://twitter.com/SlappedHam
7 – Zeenchi
CHARACTER: Ladybot https://twitter.com/Ladybot3
6 – theawesomequeer
CHARACTER: Emojie https://twitter.com/MarshmaIIowbab
5 – NitroTheFlygon
CHARACTER: Snewpee https://twitter.com/SacredSnewpee
4 – VintjulepCHARACTER: Melissa https://twitter.com/MelissaAMorgan
3 – JohnnySteel3
CHARACTER: Nixxiom https://twitter.com/Nixxiom
2 – TheDarkNightReturns
CHARACTER: Hellbent https://twitter.com/Heckbent
1 – Danger Dolan https://twitter.com/TheDDGuides

Outro song: “Sunny Side Up” Jim Kulakowski (jimkulakowski.com)
Music and Artists: http://pastebin.com/EJKQnVa5